Urbia Parques
São Paulo, fevereiro de 2023

Check out the thematic visits at Horto Florestal

Considered one of the main leisure options in the north zone of the city of São Paulo, the Alberto Löfgren State Park – Horto Florestal, offers its visitors two options for thematic tours that are mediated by Urbia's environmental education team: the Botanical Circuit and the Native Bees.

In the thematic itinerary of the Native Bees of Horto Florestal, the visit lasts approximately 1 hour and the visitor finds colonies of at least seven different species of bees, such as the Tubuna (Scaptotrigona bipunctata) and the Jataí (Tetragonisca angustula). In addition, the tour addresses curiosities and characteristics of each species and their importance for the pollination of flora and the environment.

In the Botanical Circuit of Horto, the visitor finds more than seventy different species, as well as 21 important specimens from the historical, economic, landscape and environmental point of view, such as Pau-brasil (paubrasilia echinata), Chichá (sterculia chicha) and the marsh pines (taxodium distichum). The tour also explores historical and biological aspects, such as the Pinheiros-do-brejo arboretum, whose planting dates back to the beginnings of Horto, at the end of the 19th century.

Visits are subject to availability, cost R$10 per person and are open daily, from 9am to 5pm. For large groups, such as schools, Urbia always recommends scheduling in advance via agenda@urbiaparques.com.br.

Sobre a Urbia

Criada em 2019, a Urbia Parques é uma concessionária de gestão de parques urbanos e naturais, com o propósito de contribuir com o desenvolvimento humano e proporcionar lazer, entretenimento e cultura juntos à natureza. Na cidade de São Paulo, os contemplados são os parques: Ibirapuera, Tenente Brigadeiro Faria Lima, Jacintho Alberto, Jardim Felicidade, Eucaliptos e Lajeado. A Urbia atua ainda nos parques Horto Florestal e Parque Estadual da Cantareira, na região metropolitana de São Paulo e no Sul do Brasil com o Parque Nacional Aparados da Serra e da Serra Geral. Além disso, a concessionária também foi vencedora da licitação do Parque Nacional do Iguaçu, no Paraná. A dedicação da empresa se concentra em criar, a cada dia, um mundo melhor com mais diversidade, inclusão e cidadania.

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